Friday, October 30, 2020

Herennia multipuncta (Doleschall - 1859)- Ornamental Coin Spider

Herennia multipuncta - Photographed in Tawau Hills Park, Sabah, Borneo.

This species was previously under Nephilidae, it was synonnymized with Araneidae in Word Spider Catalog in 2017.

These images show a female changing its color as it matures.

25 July 2020

1 August 2020

15 August 2020

16 September 2020

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Theridiidae Sundevall,1833 - Genus Unidentified

Genus unidentified - Photographed in Tawau Hills Park, Sabah, Borneo.

This is a tiny spider about the size of a common Cyclosa spider. Its body is plain orange red with shortish legs. Its abdomen is elongated to a cone shape.

Put under Theridiidae based on eye arrangement.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Salticidae Blackwall, 1841 - Genus Unidentified

Genus unidentified - Photographed in Tawau Hills Park, Sabah, Borneo.

This species has metallic  green hairs on its carapace and dorsum. The edge of the carapace has white hairs on black background. The legs are also partially covered with metallic green hairs. It has a pair of  small white triangles on the sides of its lower dorsum, one on each side. 

Salticidae Blackwall, 1841 - Genus unidentified

Genus unidentified -  Photographed in Tawau Hills Park, Sabah, Borneo.

There are numerous undescribed spiders in Borneo, likely more undescribed than described species.

This is a jumping spider of the Salticidae family, this species has not been identified to genus according the Borneo Spiders A Photographic Field Guide.|

It has thick white hairs on its palps and banded legs.

Ref: Borneo Spiders A photographic Field Guide (2019) Joseph K H Koh & Nicky Bay